Heaven. . . .
I have been thinking much about something Piper wrote. It essence he penned, “Would you be satisfied with heaven if only God were there?” Please do not misunderstand, I am no different than anyone else. I have often thought of heaven with the streets of gold, pearly gates, no more pain, no more tears. But it burdens me when my thoughts are more about these kind of real things, rather than of being in the presence of the Holy One.
Granted there are streets of gold, there is no-mores there. Heaven is going to be more than we can try to describe, but I guess what is capturing my attention is Heaven is more about Who than it is about What.
The “blessings of Heavenly things” is real, it is biblical, but they are the results of Who God Is! We get these things because we have become God’s children through faith in Christ. As a child of God I receive an inheritance from God, a heavenly mansion, the wonderful benefits of His place!
Even the old song writers tried to capture it but failed. And perhaps the reason we fail in our understanding of heaven is because it is so unlike anything we can relate to that we just plain fail to communicate it properly.
We sing about the "Mansion over the Hill Top", "The Land of Endless Days", "No Night There." And, perhaps we come a bit closer to it when we try words like these, “In heaven there are many things I’m longing for to see. It’s beauty will my ransomed soul enthrall. But when I’m ushered to the realm of blessed eternity, I long to see my Savior first of all. I long to see my Savior first of all, before on any others I will call, and then through countless days, on His dear face I’ll gaze, I long to see my Savior first of all.”
How can we capture the essence of this future place of the redeemed? I honestly do not know. But I do know that it is real.
God has promised dwelling places for us prepared by the Lord Jesus Himself. He has told us what it is going to be like, at least John wrote down words of his experience that try to paint a picture of this place called perfection - crystal river, golden streets, gates made of solid pearl, foundation walls made of solid jewels, no night, no need for light, no pain, no tears, no former things, no sin!
Oh, I know it is real for His Word, Jesus said, Is Truth!
But more specifically our Lord and God is going to be there! What will it be, to finally see the face of the lover of my soul? What will it be, to stand in the presence of sinless perfection? What will it be, to be overcome by the Majesty of Holiness? What will it be, to tremble at the singing of His Name by the Seraphim?
I cannot begin to tell you! I have no words to describe the touch of His hand that was nailed to the cross. No words to express the Light of His eyes. No words to drip with the goodness of His smile. No words to communicate the tenderness of His welcoming voice. I have no words.
But what I can say is, "Believe!" The Bible not only promises Heaven for the redeemed, it promises Hell for the unsaved. It says believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Saved from sin, and the results of sin, eternal death in the Lake of Fire! It is time for you to believe and be saved.
Come to Christ today, Believe on Him, Trust the Savior, and yield to His Lordship over your life! He will indeed save you and give you Heaven too.
Have a wonderful day serving our Wonderful Lord, by Grace Alone!