Location: Camden, Maine, United States

Monday, December 12, 2005

What an Awesome Plan!

There are two verses in Luke’s account of the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ that are on my mind this morning. The first is 2:7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. The second is 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

There is the annual debate that rages around this time of year that leaves me a bit deflexed rather than uplifted! When was Jesus really born? Then we have all the discussion about this tradition and that tradition, about this custom and that custom, about the purpose of the sheep and the shepherds on the hillside,… You get the picture.

I agree that we must present as clear an interpretation of the scriptures as possible, but there are some other issues at stake as well. The fact is Jesus Christ was indeed born! I am not as much concerned about the exact date, as I am about the fact that He was born. I know that He came, that He died for my sin, that He rose from the grave, that He ascended into heaven, that He is seated at the right hand of the Father interceding for His own, that He is coming again just as he ascended, that it could be today -- are you ready?

But alas those are not all that concerns me at this time of year. I value my Lord’s birth and all that He has done. The very plan of His coming is most magnificent! He came born of a virgin, so that He would be the sinless Emanuel who would identify with mankind, in order to be a sacrifice that would actually redeem men from their sins! That is tremendous! Praise His Holy Name!

The very timing of His birth was gloriously controlled by the plan of God. He came, Paul wrote, “in the fulness of time” not a moment too early, not a moment too late!

One item of significance, to me at least is, what if He were to be born today? Can you imagine? Certainly things could be different. A young woman tells her fiancé, "I was told by an Angel that I would become pregnant!" Now granted the Law allowed for Joseph to stone Mary for unfaithfulness. After all, “Are you sure it was an angel, Mary?” But, the Bible tells us Joseph was a just man, praise God.

Today Joseph would have no privilege of influence upon that young girl’s decision. Should a girl, yes a young girl, become pregnant today she does not have to inform her parents if she wants an abortion. The pro-death people have argued so effectively in our Congress and Courts, that our laws have eliminated the father, and the mother's parents, from any further discussion in a “woman’s” choice for an abortion.

Since 1973 there have been 41,476,523 abortions, (reported by American Abortion Center) and counting I might add.

This world has never been a “safe” place for children. In Jesus day, Herod attempted to destroy all of Israel’s little ones. Take a casual survey of history and you will find many children who were eliminated, for one reason or another. How very wicked mankind is. It sends chills up my spine! Yet the plan of God chose the Son of God to become our Savior, by first of all becoming a baby.

I am so taken by this great plan of God. Not only did He become a man, but He became a baby so as to become a man. The length to which God went to bring about my salvation staggers me! We so quickly pass over the fact that our Lord was born a child so we can get to the purpose of His coming; To become a man and die for us. And we must not lose that fact in our minds, hearts, and churches. But for a moment, at least, will you consider Him as a child during this year‘s worship and celebrations?

My hat is off to all of you out there in children’s ministries. Thank you for your involvement, thank you for your efforts, thank you for your love of our little ones. May the Lord grant you faithfulness, courage, wisdom, and strength, to carry on. You are making a difference!

Have a wonderful day serving our wonderful Lord, by Grace Alone!

PS check out our church's pro-life ministry at


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